rpos::core::RectangleF Class
RectangleF denotes rectangle, which coordinates are all float
Header File
Applies to
- Slamware
- Mapper
* Concstruct RectangleF objects
RectangleF(Vector2f position, Vector2f size);
RectangleF(float x, float y, float width, float height);
RectangleF(const RectangleF&);
* Assignment operator.
RectangleF& operator=(const RectangleF&)
* Compare operators.
bool operator==(const RectangleF& a, const RectangleF& b);
bool operator!=(const RectangleF& a, const RectangleF& b);
* Origin of the rectangle.
const Vector2f& position();
Vector2f& position();
* Size of the rectangle.
const Vector2f& size();
Vector2f& size();
* X of the origin of the rectangle.
float x() const;
float& x();
* Y of the origin of the rectangle.
float y() const;
float& y();
* Width of the rectangle.
float width() const;
float& width();
* height of the rectangle.
float height() const;
float& height();
* Min/max X/Y coordinates of the rectangle.
float left() const;
float right() const;
float top() const;
float bottom() const;
* Check if a point or rectangle is completely inside of this rectangle.
bool contains(const Vector2i& point);
bool contains(const RectangleF& dest);
* Check if the rectangle is empty (which means width() < epsilon && height() < epsilon)
bool empty();
* Calculate union of current and reference rectangles.
void unionOf(const RectangleF& dest);
* Calculate intersection of current and reference rectangles.
void intersectionOf(const RectangleF & dest);
* Calculate area of the rectangle.
float area() const;