Welcome to Slamware C++ SDK

This SDK applies for both SLAMWARE navigation system and SLAMTEC Mapper.

Get Started

Download and Setup the SDK

Please visit the Support page on SLAMTEC's website to download the SDK that works for your OS platform.

File Structure

Slamware SDK contains plenty of source code files, resource, project files that eases the development cycle. These files are organized in the strucure showed below.

Folder Usage
bin Precompiled utlities
dll Dynamic linked SDK libraries
docs Reference documentation
include SDK C/C++ Header files
lib Precompiled static linked libraries
samples Sample Code
workspaces Project files for IDE or build systems

Header files

The header files are organized like the following in the include folder. Both the headers of SLAMWARE SDK and the required 3rd libraries are included.

Folder Description
boost Boost 1.53.0
Eigen Eigen Matrix Library
json JsonCpp headers
rpos Slamware SDK headers

About the Supported Platform/Hardware/Compilers

In theory, SLAMWARE SDK supports almost all hardware platforms with modern OS supports. But since there are too many platforms/OS/Compiler combinations, we only provide the pre-compiled SLAMWARE SDKs for those popular platforms/OSs/Compilers.

If another SLAMWARE SDK version is required in your case, please contact SLAMTEC support for help.

Building Environment Setup : Linux (GCC/GNU Make)

Notice: for Android/iOS, you may refer to the specific documents of the SDKs running on these platforms for details.

Notice: If you want simply integrate SLAMWARE into an ROS (Robot Operating System) environment, please download the SLAMWARE ROS SDK and refer to its documents instead.


GCC and Make build systems are required to build SDK demo and applications links with the SLAMWARE SDK.

Ubuntu distribution is recommended to use, other Linux distribution can be used as well.

For Ubuntu systems, the required tools can be installed easily via the apt command:

sudo apt install build-essential

If you prefer cross-compile option, please make sure the tools used in cross compiling is to be installed.

For example, to install a cross compile gcc with version 4.8 to build binary running on ARMv7 target with hardfloat support. The following command can be used on a Ubuntu system:

sudo apt install g++-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf

Choose a correct SLAMWARE SDK version

SLAMWARE SDK comes with pre-compiled library binaries works on specific target GCC (glibc) version + hardware platform combinations.

The combination type of each SLAMWARE SDK package can be easily know from the file name of the SLAMWARE SDK package.

E.g. for the SLAMWARE SDK package slamware_sdk_linux-armv7hf-gcc4.8-2.6.6_rtm.20190422.tar.bz2:

  • linux : the SDK is for Linux OS
  • armv7hf : the SDK is running on ARMv7 architecture with hard-floatpoint support enabled
  • gcc4.8 : gcc version 4.8 is used to compile the SDK code

Please make sure a correct SLAMWARE SDK is used to build your applications. Otherwise, the build process may fail, or the generated binary won't run on the target platform.

The most important part is to know the version of the gcc compiler used to build your applications and link with the SLAMWARE SDK.

get the GCC version (native build)

GCC version can be retrieved using the following command if the target application simply runs on the same platform used to build the code:

$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.4) 4.8.4

In the example above, the GCC version is 4.8

get the GCC version (cross compile)

For many cases, cross compile option is used to build target applications run on a different hardware platform/OS. A cross-compile gcc should be used and its version can be retrieved like the following:

$ arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc --version
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) 4.8.4

Basic Setups

Once all the prerequisites are ready, simply unpack the SLAMWARE SDK to a location you preferred.

Please make sure there is no space or other special character in the target location path in order to avoid any unexcepted building error.

For example, you may extract the SDK package to your home folder:

mkdir -p ~/slamware
tar xf slamware_sdk_linux-x86_64-gcc4.8-2.6.7_rtm.20190929.tar.bz2 -C ~/slamware/

The above shell command creates a subfolder slamware under the current user's home folder. And unpack the data of SLAMWARE SDK package slamware_sdk_linux-x86_64-gcc4.8-2.6.7_rtm.20190929.tar.bz2 into this subfolder.

In the above example, the SLAMWARE SDK is located under the path: ~/slamware/slamware_sdk_linux-x86_64-gcc4.8/

Build the sample projects

There are several sample projects included in the SDK package that can be used as a good start to learn how to use the SLAMWARE SDK. They can be found under the samples folder of the SLAMWARE SDK package.

Sample Name Description
map2bmp demonstrates how to retrieve the map currently built by slamware and save it to a BMP image file format
mapdemo demonstrates how to retrieve the map currently built by slamware and print out its raw data and other information of the map
moveandpathdemo demonstrates how to inject a set of destination points that SLAMWARE will help a robot navigates to these points.

To compile these samples, simply enter the samples folder and using the make command:

cd ~/slamware/slamware_sdk_linux-x86_64-gcc4.8/samples

If everything works as expected, you may find the compiled sample applications inside the linux-x86_64-release/output folder of the SDK.

$ cd ~/slamware/slamware_sdk_linux-x86_64-gcc4.8/linux-x86_64-release/output
$ ls
map2bmp  mapdemo  moveandpathdemo

Build your own application

Here we shows how to create a new application to use SLAMWARE SDK from scratch.

Setup the project folder structure of the application

To create a new application called hello_slamware under the ~/slamware folder:

cd ~/slamware
mkdir -p hello_slamware/src

The above commands setup the skeleton of the new project.

The next step, we create the main source file : main.cpp

cd ~/slamware/hello_slamware/src
nano main.cpp

Type the following source code and using [Ctrl+X] to save data and exit the editor. You may use any editor you preferred.

#include <rpos/robot_platforms/slamware_core_platform.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace rpos::robot_platforms;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    SlamwareCorePlatform platform = SlamwareCorePlatform::connect("", 1445);
    cout << "Base version: " << platform.getSDPVersion() << endl;
    return 0
Setup the Makefile Build Script

The makefile scripts provided by the SLAMWARE SDK can help you to ease the development cycle of building applications based on the SLAMWARE SDK.

Here we simply use the [Makefile] script under a sample project folder as a reference.

Copy the Makefile from a sample project:

cd ~/slamware/hello_slamware
cp ~/slamware/slamware_sdk_linux-x86_64-gcc4.8/samples/map2bmp/Makefile .

As the new created project doesn't locate in the same folder of the sample projects, the Makefile should be modified a bit:

nano Makefile

Using text editor to open the Makefile and change the line begins with HOME_TREE := to the following:

HOME_TREE := ../slamware_sdk_linux-x86_64-gcc4.8

The HOME_TREE := tells the build system where the SLAMWARE SDK locates.

After the modification, type CTRL+X to save the file and exit.

Then, simply type make to compile the project.


The compiled binary can be found under the folder: ~/slamware/slamware_sdk_linux-x86_64-gcc4.8/linux-x86_64-release/output

Notice: it is inside the SLAMWARE SDK folder.

Useful build options

If you want a debug build, using the following command instead:

make DEBUG=1

The compiled binary with debug option enabled locates under: ~/slamware/slamware_sdk_linux-x86_64-gcc4.8/linux-x86_64-debug/output

To view the detailed building process, add the V=1 parameter:

make V=1

Cross-compile Configuration or Use another GCC versions

Cross compile is possible and easy to be achieved using the build scripts provided by the SLAMWARE SDK.

Suppose the following arm-gcc cross compilers to be used to build applications working on ARM-linux targets:

  • arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-4.8
  • arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-4.8

Firstly, make sure a SLAMWARE SDK works for ARMv7hf targets and using GCC with version 4.8 has been downloaded.

Go to the SLAMWARE SDK folder and edit the file mak_def.inc. To change the following lines of code :

CC = gcc
CXX = g++


CC = arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-4.8 
CXX = arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-4.8

You may change other options based on your needs.

Building Environment Setup : Windows (MSVC)

SLAMWARE SDK provides the Win32 (32-bit) precompiled version based on Microsoft Visual C++. Commonly Visual Studio is required to build applications based on SLAMWARE SDK.

The following Visual Studio Versions are supported by SLAMWARE SDK:

  • Visual Studio 2010 SP1 (please make sure the SP1 patch is present)
  • Visual Studio 2017 (still in beta stage)
  • Visual Studio 2019 (still in beta stage)

In case other versions of Visual Studio is required to be used, please contact SLAMTEC support for help.

Launch the Visual Studio IDE and open the create project window (via the File->New->Project menu).

create project

  1. Choose the [Visual C++] Project template catalog, and click the [Win32 Console Application] Project type.
  2. Type the project you preferred in the [Name] field.
  3. Click the [OK] button to continue.

Project Creation Setup

create project

Click [Next] button on the Win32 Application Wizard dialog poped up to continue.

create project

  1. Make sure the [Console Application] is seletced
  2. Choose [Empty Project]
  3. Click [Finish] to create the project files.

Build Options Configurations

Open the Project Properities dialog window

Select and right-click the project item you just created in the Solution Explorer box. Click the [Properities] menu item.

Configure the VC++ Directories

Select the VC++ Directories item

  1. Click on the [Include Directories], a drop down button [V] will appear, click it
  2. Click the menu item on the popup menu
  3. Add the [include] path of the SLAMWARE SDK into the list and click [OK] to exit the dialog window.

  1. Click on the [Library Directories], a drop down button [V] will appear, click it
  2. Click the menu item on the popup menu
  3. Add the [lib] path of the SLAMWARE SDK into the list and click [OK] to exit the dialog window.

A correct configuration should look similar with the following figure:

Click the [OK] button to finish the configuration.

Build your Hello World Application

Create the source file

Select and right click on the [Source Files] folder item of your project in the [Solution Explorer]. Select [Add]->[New Item...] menu item.

Choose the [C++ File (.cpp)] item and name the new file : main.cpp

Add the source code

Type the following code into the main.cpp:

#include <rpos/robot_platforms/slamware_core_platform.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace rpos::robot_platforms;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    SlamwareCorePlatform platform = SlamwareCorePlatform::connect("", 1445);
    cout << "Base version: " << platform.getSDPVersion() << endl;
    return 0
Build and Run

Select the [Debug]->[Start Debugging] menu to compile and start debugging your application.

Key API Overview

Item Type Description Applies To Slamware Applies To Mapper
rpos::core::Location Class Localtion data type
rpos::core::Rotation Class Rotation data type
rpos::core::Pose Class Robot Pose data type
rpos::core::Quaternion Class Quaternion data type
rpos::core::Imu class Imu data type
rpos::core::ImuBitMap Enum Availability of Imu data
rpos::core::Action Class Robot Action Object
rpos::core::ActionStatus Enum Several Action Working Status
rpos::core::Feature Class Features of an robot platform
rpos::core::RectangleF Class Rectangle object type in float
rpos::core::ORectangleF Class Oriented Rectangle object type in float
rpos::core::Vector2f Class 2D vector object type in float)
rpos::core::Vector2i Class 2D vector object type in int
rpos::core::LaserPoint Class LIDAR Scan points data
rpos::core::Metadata Class Key/Value Metadata
rpos::core::RobotPlatform Class Base class of a robot object
rpos::actions::MoveAction Class Move Motion Action object
rpos::actions::VelocityControlMoveAction Class Direct motion control action based on velocity
rpos::feature::motion_planner::MoveOptionFlag Enum Movement types of MoveAction
rpos::feature::motion_planner::MoveOptions Struct Movement options of MoveAction
rpos::feature::motion_planner::GoHomeOptions Struct Movement options of GohomeAction
rpos::features::ArtifactProvider Class Virtual Walls, Virtual Tracks, etc
rpos::features::artifact_provider::RectangleArea Class Rectangular area with specific uasge
rpos::features::LocationProvider Class Provides localization functions
rpos::features::location_provider::Map Class Map data object
rpos::features::location_provider::MapType Enum Defines different types of Maps
rpos::features::location_provider::BitmapMap Class Map represents in Bitmap
rpos::features::location_provider::BitmapMapPixelFormat Enum The pixel format used by a BitmapMap
rpos::features::MotionPlanner Class Provides motion path planning services
rpos::features::motion_planner::Path Class Motion Path data object
rpos::features::SystemResource Class Retrieves SLAMWARE system info
rpos::features::system_resource::LaserScan Class LIDAR Scan Object
rpos::features::system_resource::DeviceInfo Class Device information
rpos::features::system_resource::BaseError Struct Error code of base
rpos::features::system_resource::BaseHealthInfo Struct Base health status
rpos::features::system_resource::PowerStatus Struct Power status
rpos::robot_platforms::SlamwareCorePlatform Class Slamware CORE Object √ (Partial)