rpos::features::system_resource::BaseError Struct Type
Structure type to store the error message reported from the robot base.
Header File
Applies to
- Slamware
Member Fields
* ID number of a message item.
int id
* Raw Code number of the error info.
std::uint32_t errorCode
It encodes the following message:
|Bits|Encoded Message|
|`25~31`| Error level |
|`16~24`| Number id of the base part has errors |
|`0~15`| Error number |
* Error Level.
BaseErrorLevel level
Value | Description |
BaseErrorLevelHealthy |
No error |
BaseErrorLevelWarn |
Warning |
BaseErrorLevelError |
Error |
BaseErrorLevelFatal |
Fatal Error |
BaseErrorComponentUnknown |
Unknown Error |
* Base Part that has errors.
BaseErrorComponent component
Value | Description |
BaseErrorComponentUser |
User |
BaseErrorComponentSystem |
System |
BaseErrorComponentPower |
Power |
BaseErrorComponentMotion |
Motion Control System |
BaseErrorComponentSensor |
Sensors |
BaseErrorComponentUnknown |
Unknown part |
* Error code of the base part has errors.
std::uint16_t componentErrorCode
* Description text message of the error.
std::string message
BaseComponentErrorType componentErrorType
Detailed error type of the base part has errors. Calcuated based on the combination of component
and componentErrorCode
Value | Description |
BaseComponentErrorTypeUnknown |
Unknown |
BaseComponentErrorTypeUser |
Unknown user defined type |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSystemNone |
Unknown System Malfunction |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSystemEmergencyStop |
Emergency Stop button has been pressed |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSystemTemperatureHigh |
Overheat Alarm |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSystemTemperatureLow |
Low Temperature Alarm |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSystemWatchDogOverFlow |
Watchdog system triggered |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSystemCtrlBusDisconnected |
Base connection has been lost |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSystemSlamwareRebooted |
SLAMWARE has been rebooted |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSystemBrakeReleased |
Brake Released (motor system bypassed) |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSystemSlamwareRelocalizationFailed |
Relocalization failed to recover a correct pose |
BaseComponentErrorTypePowerNone |
Unkown power failure |
BaseComponentErrorTypePowerControllerDown |
Power Controller is down |
BaseComponentErrorTypePowerPowerLow |
Low Power Alarm |
BaseComponentErrorTypePowerOverCurrent |
Over Current Alarm |
BaseComponentErrorTypeMotionNone |
Unkown motion failure |
BaseComponentErrorTypeMotionControllerDown |
Motion Controller is down |
BaseComponentErrorTypeMotionMotorAlarm |
Motor alarm |
BaseComponentErrorTypeMotionMotorDown |
Motor(s) failure |
BaseComponentErrorTypeMotionOdometryDown |
Odometry is down |
BaseComponentErrorTypeMotionBrushStall |
Brush Motor is stalled |
BaseComponentErrorTypeMotionBlowerStall |
Blower Motor is stalled |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSensorNone |
Unknown sensor failure |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSensorControllerDown |
Sensor controller is down |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSensorBumperDown |
Bumper sensor failure |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSensorCliffDown |
Cliff sensor failure |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSensorSonarDown |
Ultrasonic sensor failure |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSensorDustbinBlock |
Dustbin sensor failure |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSensorDustbinGone |
Dustbin is lost |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSensorWallIrDown |
Wallfollowing sensor failure |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSensorMagTapeTriggered |
Magnet sensor is triggered |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSensorMagSelfTestFailed |
Magnet sensor self test failed |
BaseComponentErrorTypeSensorIMUDown |
IMU sensor failure |
* Number id of the base part has errors.
int componentErrorDeviceId;