rpos::core::Pose Class

Pose contains both Location and Rotation data. It represents a 6-DOF pose(x,y,z,yaw,pitch,roll) in 3d world.

Header File


Applies to

  • Slamware
  • Mapper


* Construct the object with x,y,z,yaw,pitch,roll all set to 0.
* Construct the object with specified value.
Pose(const Location&, const Rotation&);
* Construct the object with specified (x,y,z) and the (yaw,pitch,roll) all set to 0.
Pose(const Location&);
* Construct the object with specified (yaw,pitch,roll) and (x,y,z) all set to 0.
Pose(const Rotation&);
* Copy constructor.
Pose(const Pose&);


*  Assignement operator.
Pose& operator=(const Pose&);
*  Compare whether two pose objects are equal to each other.
bool operator==(const Pose&) const;


* getter and setter of the location field.   
const Location& location() const; 
Location& location();
* getter and setter of the rotation field.   
const Rotation& rotation() const; 
Rotation& rotation();
* getter and setter of the x field.
double x() const; 
double& x();
* getter and setter of the y field.
double y() const; 
double& y();
* getter and setter of the z field.
double z() const;
double& z();
* getter and setter of the yaw field.
double yaw() const;
double& yaw();
* getter and setter of the pitch field.
double pitch() const;
double& pitch();
* getter and setter of the roll field.
double roll() const;
double& roll();